Flex on Friday - Fitness Podcast

EMOM Workout | Obliques and Lunges

Amanda Paschall Season 8 Episode 5

Hello Friday Flexors!

I've got a two-move, 10-minute EMOM, every minute on the minute, workout for your. 

Your two move are lunge jumps and standing oblique crunches. Lunge jumps are completed on the evening minutes and standing oblique crunches on the odd minutes.

Grab your water and Lets Go!

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Until Next Time... Keep Flexing!

EMOM | Lunges and Obliques

Hello Friday flexors this is Amanda back at you and hoping you're having a spectacular day.

I've got a 10-minute EMOM (Every Minute On Minute) for you. 

Grab your water bottle and let's go!

The two moves are lunge jumps and a standing oblique crunch. 

Lunge jumps will be completed on the even minutes and the standing oblique crunch on the odd minutes. Shoot for 10-12 reps for each move each minute.

For your lunge jumps start in a lunge with both knees bent and toes facing forward. With your core engaged, jump and switch your leg positions landing softly in a lunge and repeat. If you don't want to jump, complete an alternating front lunge as quickly as possible maintaining your form. For your standing oblique crunches, stand with your hands on your head and shoulder width apart. Bent to the right moving your right elbow down and your right knee up. Return to your starting position and repeat on the opposite side. You pick your range of motion for this move.

Ok Friday Flexers,  you got your 2 moves, set your 10-minute timer and get going!!!

Until next time… Keep Flexing